All You Can Books Review – Is It Worth It?

August 4, 2023 | By Stacy Porter
reading, book, girl

All You Can Books: Is it the right choice for you?

Do you love reading? Then an unlimited supply of books is properly something that sounds quite tempting to you. Well that’s exactly what All You Can Books has on offer – but is it worth it? Is it worth the money and do you get a quality service for your hard earned dollars? That’s what I’m hoping to shine a light on with this review! Keep reading.

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Spoiler Alert! Can’t be bothered to read the entire article? Let’s get to the point

All You Can Books is OK – but it has a lot of flaws and a lot of people don’t agree with their dodgy billing tactics and say the selection is very, very limited. Fortunately, there is a better option out there. Scribd is a similar service but it is cheaper, better quality in both the selection of books, ebooks, magazines and comics available as well as the customer service and user experience. They even have a 100% free trial so you can try out the service before you put any money on the line. 

To get an idea of the difference in quality and selection, All You Can Books “boasts” a selection of 30,000 audiobooks and e-books, where as Scribd has a selection of over 1 MILLION audiobooks, ebooks, magazines and comics! That is quite a difference! I recommend you make a free account with them and see for yourself if anything is to your fancy – if not you can always cancel straight away!

For those who like a read (which may very well be you, considering the service you are reading a review for) you can read the rest of our in-depth review below:

For Books

Books are awesome, there’s no doubt about the, the realm of knowledge and stories available to us in this day and age is simply mind blowing. All You Can Books does what the name says and offers quite a serious library of books available for one monthly fee.

For Audiobooks

Do you love reading books and magazines but do not get enough time to read them? Well then, audiobooks are just what you need. You do not need to carry around a physical book or strain your eyes to read your favourite books. You just have to plug into your smartphones, e-readers, music players, or tablets and you can listen to the audiobooks wherever you want, whenever you want.

They can also be played on desktops and laptops which mean that you can listen to any book when you are at home. This makes audiobooks greatly beneficial for anyone who has to lead a fast-paced life and cannot sit down to read physical books.

However, to ensure that you get all your favorite books, magazines, etc. in the form of audiobooks, you need to use a good service that offers you a great collection of listenable items whether that be books, magazines, podcasts, etc. If you do not use a good service, you will have to work hard to find the audiobooks or podcasts that you want to and sometimes you may not at all be able to find them online because good content is often not free. As such, you need to find an online source that will be able to offer you anything and everything that you want to listen – from bestsellers to newcomers so that you are never out of good content.

All You Can Books – free audiobooks and more

For anyone searching for a good collection of audiobooks, ebooks, and more, a name that sounds promising is All You Can Books. They promise to offer you unlimited access to their inventory of books and more that counts to upto 30,000 and is regularly updated so that you get more content every day. You also get a free trial of 30 days and you can listen to any book or read any ebook without paying a dime during this period. You can cancel any time during the free trial period and you get to retain any book that you may have downloaded during this period. However, their are numerous reviews online saying that people are often charged even though they have cancelled the service.

What’s more, you can get access to a number of language courses at the All You Can Books which makes it a great service for anyone willing to learn a language for free. Once the free trial is over, you have to pay a massive $19.99 per month to continue enjoying the services which is quite a considerable amount compared to other services available like Best Online Books.

Is it worth subscribing to All You Can Books?

Though All You Can Books may look promising with their inventory and free 30-day trial, customer feedback paint quite a different story. Customers haven’t been quite happy with the service that they offer to the readers. The first and most important reason of dissatisfaction amongst readers is because of their collection. Though they have quite a big inventory of listenable material, all you can books reviews mostly state that the quality of their inventory is quite poor. Readers haven’t found what they are looking for at All You Can Books. This is obviously quite a letdown as any content lover would want access to good audiobooks or ebooks from a service like this. Plus, the site has no proper search option that you can use to search for books that you want to read.

Next comes the shady practices that All You Can Books has regarding subscription fees and subscription cancellations. One such thing that you will find in any all you can books review such as this one is the cancellation procedure. Once you sign up for the free-trial that they offer, there is no option on their website to cancel your subscriptions. Users have to call up their support for cancellation of their subscription which is obviously a hassle that most people wouldn’t want to bear.

That’s not all, according to some all you can books reviews, users have been charged monthly subscription fees even after they officially cancelled their subscription. This is nothing but a scam and as such, it isn’t advisable that you do not opt to subscribe at All You Can Books, especially when you have various other excellent options available in the market.

Scribd – A Better Alternative For Unlimited Reading / Listening

Since All You Can Books isn’t that good an option, it is better that you go for a service like Scribd that is sure to make you fall in love with its service and of course, its content. 

Scribd boasts of a huge inventory that includes more than 1 MILLION audiobooks, ebooks, magazines and comics and loads more that can satiate the thirst and hunger for new and engaging content. Whether you want to read all recent news and leading magazines or want to binge listen to audiobooks of your favorite series, Scribd is the perfect option for you.

What’s more, Scribd offers a completely free trial offer during which you can read or listen to as much content as you want and you have to pay nothing at all. Yes, not a dime. 

Once the trial period is over, you can continue your subscription by paying just $8.99 which gives you access to the vast and quality collection that they have. Scribd regularly updates and upgrades their inventory which means that you will never ever run out of things to read.

So, Scribd is, indeed, a great choice for all types of content lovers. If you’d like to find out more about Scribd and see if it is worth it, check out our scribd review.

A Comparison Of The Top Audiobook Subscription Services

If you’d like to compare the top audiobook subscription services, you can view our blog post here.

For a quick comparison, take a look at this table below:

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